
Specification of Lingua Franca in Kurdistan Region, Applied Sociolinguistic Study

Amir Muhammad Muhammadamin##common.commaListSeparator##Abdullah Hussein Rasool

The Effect of Using Comprehension and creativity Skills on the Growth of Students in the Eleventh Grade in History Subject

Ameera Hussein Shreef##common.commaListSeparator##Farhad Ali Mustafa##common.commaListSeparator##Miqdad Hussen Taha

The Most Common Concepts of Metaphor

Bnar Abdul-Jabbar Jamil##common.commaListSeparator##Omar Mahmoud Karim

The Habits of Mind by 10th Grade High School Student

Tara Hunar Ahmed##common.commaListSeparator##Farhad Ali Mustafa##common.commaListSeparator##Bakhtiar Kakil Hamad

Water Resources and Their Suitability for Irrigation in Khabat District

Tahseen Abdulrahem Azeez##common.commaListSeparator##Karzan Ahmad Abdulwahid

Turkmen Marriage in The City of Erbil

Rashad Sabre Meran##common.commaListSeparator##Nadia Wali Jabbar

The Impact of Using Active Teaching Strategies Collaboratively on the 11th-Grade Students’ Achievement of the and Developing Trends in History Subject

Zhian Ismael Saeed ##common.commaListSeparator##Hussen Saadi Ibrahim##common.commaListSeparator##Ahmed Hamadamen Omar

Metrical Phonology

Sabah Rashid Qadr ##common.commaListSeparator##Hawsar Nawzad Faqe Ibrahim

The Circumstance of Nation Coexistence in a Multiculturism Society

Abdul Majeed Ghafor Ebrahim##common.commaListSeparator##Jabar Qader Ahmed

Political Agreements of The Sultan Salahaddin with Zankien Family

Lana Hayder Jukl##common.commaListSeparator##Rabeah Fatah Shikh Mohamad

Strategic Thinking and Its Role in Investing Marketing Opportunities

Ahmad Azan Sharef##common.commaListSeparator##Kaywan Salm Tofiq

Types of Separation in the Light of the Noble Qur’an

Jamil Ali Rasul##common.commaListSeparator##Mohamad Fakhradeen Mohamad

Time Orientation and Its Relationship to Well-Being Among University Youth in The City of Erbil

Saber Muhammad Othman##common.commaListSeparator##Maha Hassan Baker

The Authority of The Civil Judge in The Interrogation as Indirect Evidence of Proof

Shwan Omer Khalil##common.commaListSeparator##Karzan Rasul Hassan

Muadh's Hadith on Analogy Between the Ahl Al Hadith and The Osulion

Uthman M. Gharib ##common.commaListSeparator##Ali Ahmad Mohammad

Conceptual Framework for The Idea of Criminal Logic

Majid khdr Ahmad al- sabawi##common.commaListSeparator##Mustafa Ismael Muhammad

Protecting Public Order from Abuse of Freedom

Muhammed Abdulkarim Sharif##common.commaListSeparator##Mariwan Saber Hamad

The Relationship Between Organizational Silence and Job Burnout

Mahabat Nouri Abdulah##common.commaListSeparator##Shaimaa Esmat Mohammed Amin

The Theory of Accountability and Freedom in the View of the Judge, Abdul-Jabbar

Hawre Omar Awle##common.commaListSeparator##Saadoon Hussein Ahmed


Hoshiar Marouf

Proposed Hybrid Method for Wavelet Shrinkage with Robust Multiple Linear Regression Model

Taha Hussien Ali##common.commaListSeparator##Dlshad Mahmood Saleh

The Marginalization of People of Colour through White-guilt in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Admiring Silence

Shaaban Sulaiman Sadeeq##common.commaListSeparator##Diyar Jamal Mohammed

Vibration Analysis of Composite Laminated Plates Using Analytical and APDL ANSYS Codes

Lanja Saeed Omer##common.commaListSeparator##Safeen Yaseen Ezdeen
PDF (English)


Dr. Faustus as a Morality Play

Mariwan Hwayyiz Rustum
PDF (English)


The Role of Strategic Leadership in Organizational Learning

Hazhar Omer Mohammed##common.commaListSeparator##Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah##common.commaListSeparator##Hawre Latif Majeed ##common.commaListSeparator##Zana Majed Sadq
PDF (English)
