The Relationship Between Organizational Silence and Job Burnout
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of Administrators staff in the Colleges of Salahaddin University/Erbil
Organizational Silence, Job Burnout, Administrators staff, Communication skills, negative relationships.Abstract
This research aims to identify the type of relationship between organizational silence in its dimensions (fear of negative reactions, fear of managers, poor communication skills, lack of support for senior management) and job burnout in its four dimensions (emotional exhaustion, sag human feelings, low personal achievement, negative relationships) and starting from the problem of research with a number of intellectual questions about levels of organizational silence and its relationship to job burn, in order to try to address a realistic problem that directly affects the administrators working in the research colleges in Ja With Saladin. A virtual scheme has been prepared that includes the variables and dimensions of the research, in order to formulate a number of main and sub-hypotheses, and the questionnaire was drafted as a main tool for data collection, from which (156) forms were distributed to a sample of administrative staff at Salaheddine University colleges of total (200) staff, A single (150) were recovered from them, and as the researchers used descriptive statistical analysis to unload and process data, the research reached a group of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a correlation between dimensions and a positive moral impact between organizational silence and job burning, The research eventually reached some recommendations, the most important of which encourages workers to participate in decision-making, problem solving, creative opinions and at the same time to alleviate the pressures of work to not reach the stage of job burn
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