Specification of Lingua Franca in Kurdistan Region, Applied Sociolinguistic Study


  • Amir Muhammad Muhammadamin Department of Kurdish, College of Language, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Abdullah Hussein Rasool Department of Kurdish, College of Language, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




Lingua Franka, Language, Ethnicity, Sociolinguistics, Kurdistan region


The specification of a Lingua franca from the perspective of sociolinguistics for the societies that are known as the multilingual societies and who live within one geographical boundary such as a “region” or a country that are united by one system through which they deal with their daily affairs is an immediate necessity.

This study is entitled (Specification of Lingua Franca in Kurdistan Region, Applied sociolinguistic study). The scope of this study is confined to the speakers of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which includes the governorates of Hawler, Soleimani, Duhok, and Halabja. The research method was devoted to collecting data in terms of all the national components and all speakers of the people of the Kurdistan region through the questionnaire form being represented by random sampling and field practice. The scope of data collection on Lingua Franca in Kurdistan region was pinpointed. The research method adopted is an applied analytical sociolinguistics approach with SPSS program. This program identifies the data in the form of a table, analyzes them, and shows the results.

The researcher hypothesized that the Kurdistan Region is made up of many different nations, races, and languages. It is necessary to choose one of the languages of this region, especially the Kurdish language, as lingua franca of its speakers who are in touch with each other on a daily basis for different reasons and motives. Finally, this study include introduction, two chapter, results, the recommendation and the list of references are followed by both Arabic and English abstracts.


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How to Cite

Amir Muhammad Muhammadamin, & Abdullah Hussein Rasool. (2022). Specification of Lingua Franca in Kurdistan Region, Applied Sociolinguistic Study. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(3), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.7.3.1


