Etymology of some Kurdish words derived from Avesta
Etymlogy, Kurdish lamguage, Avesta language, Word origin, Investigation, WordAbstract
Unlike the traditional definitions of language in the past, in this era of the new revolution of technology, the struggle of languages, and the death of some languages, the most obvious and accepted new definition of language has appeared, since language is not just a link to communication and information transfer, but language itself is the structure and structure of things.
It is the existence that it refers to, so language does not just refer to history, culture, and originality, but language itself is history, the originality, culture and culture of all nations, language creates civilizations, there is no civilization without language.
The existence of a nation is linked to its language, which means that language erases the identity of the nation by the absence of a nation, which means that language has an important and effective role in the transformation of all nations.
This study is titled "Etymology of some Kurdish words derived from Avesta. There are two topics and the results and the sources that have been used.
Topic 1: In this topic, a historical brief on the analysis of the words and terms of etymology, Kurdish language, and Avesta sources, then the Avesta language and the evidence that proves that the Kurdish language is the form of Avesta with the letters of Avesta language.
Topic 2: In this topic, we try to learn more about the language of Avesta and describe the words that are derived from Avesta. The topics in this section include the religious dialect of Avesta and the parts of Avesta, and the relationship between Avesta and Hawrami, then the etymology of its name (human, place, animal, time and thing).
The results of the research and the sources of benefit have been presented.
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پێگەی ئەلیکترۆنی:
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- پێگەی ئەلیكترۆنی:
- پێگەی ئەلیکترۆنی:
سەرچاوە بە زمانی عەرەبی
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