The Circumstance of Nation Coexistence in a Multiculturism Society

A Field Study in Kurdistan Region


  • Abdul Majeed Ghafor Ebrahim Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Jabar Qader Ahmed Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Coexistence, National Coexistence, Social Cohesion, Confession


National coexistence is one of the important reasons for the development and political and social stability in societies with multiple cultures, based on coexistence, tolerance, and the preservation of the rights of nationalities in institutions for the progress of society. In the Kurdistan region, with the exception of Kurdish national, there are other nationalities such as Chaldeans, Assyrians, Turkmen, and Arabs, who have a long history of coexistence among themselves, but this topic must be developed and scrutinized in a certain way to mix culture, deepen life and accept each other’s differences. The main objective of this research consists of influences and changes (age, the educational level, and the economic level) on national coexistence in the Kurdistan Region, as well as the levels of national coexistence based on the governorates and understanding of nationalism and the multiple religions present in the Kurdistan Region. Through the result of this research, that the change in ages, elderly people have a deep understanding about national coexistence compared to other ages, as well as related to educational level and economic status according to the results obtained, there is no difference in the point of view towards ethnic coexistence together. On the other hand, the results obtained tell us that national coexistence is strong in the city of Erbil. This is how it is observed compared to other cities in the Kurdistan Region. In the view of the multiple nationalities in the Kurdistan Region about coexistence, there is no big difference between them because our society is a multicultural society, but this diversity of cultures is local only. At the level of neighborhoods, they have a difference and do not mix. The change in the different religious views of the subject of national coexistence was not observed. This issue, according to the views of the various religious participations, is observed correctly and acceptable. In this research, the triangulation method and the sequential analysis method, the mixed method, were used, were quality data support quantitative data analysis.


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How to Cite

Abdul Majeed Ghafor Ebrahim, & Jabar Qader Ahmed. (2022). The Circumstance of Nation Coexistence in a Multiculturism Society: A Field Study in Kurdistan Region . QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(3), 351–378.


