Published in 2018-03-30


An obstacles to the Kurdish state under international law and policy

مەسعود عبدالخالق محمد ئەمین

The Kurdish State Project and its Regional Options

خضر عباس عطوان، عامر حسن ثابت، زيد حسن علي

The Legal and Political Concept of Federalism and the Fair Distribution of Competincies

الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالغفور علي غفور، المدرس الدكتور شفان احمد عبدالقادر

The legal nature of contractor liability and scope of application in Iraqi civil law (An analytical study)

امىدرس امدكخِر صدكْ وحىدأؤي عٔسّ، امىدرس امىساعد طٍ حسي رسِل

Federalism types and models of their applications

أألسجاذ اهرلجْر زٕاد يحًْد اهػأٍ

The role of some job satisfaction factors in marketing performance, from a sample view of the commercial banks in Erbil city

أ.د. عاىػ ضٍػاٌَ٘ ٌ٘ؽعان، م.م. ٌطٍػ ضفَ عي٘فّ ٌطٍػ

HR functions and their impact on job performance Survey study on public universities

األسخاذ امدكخِر َِشٔار وػروف كاكٍ وال ، امىدرس امىساغد ةڕوا سٍردار أضىد

Arbitration in disputes of international administrative contracts An analytical study

األشخاذ اىسنخٔر غتساىٍيم ُٗٔس ٌدٍس، اىٍسرس اىسنخٔر ٌدٕ اىسَٗ خصَ ٗٔشف

Nationality and the effect of statehood

األشخاذ امىصاعد امدكخِر ودىد جالل خصي

general polecies in fedral :selected models

األسجاذة امىساعدة امدكجِرة اسراء عالء امدٓي ًِري

Legal Problematics in the Field of Civil Aviation Between Federal Governorment and Kurdistan Region

األسخاذ امىساعد امدكخِر َيِا إةراَيه قادر

Measuring the impact of leverage indicators on market returns of listed companies An Empirical Study

األسخاذ امىساغد امدكخِر وحىد أةكر أحىد وحىد ، األسخاذ امىساغد امدكخِر غىر امسر امحسي وحىد

The right of the federal territories to independence: Kurdistan Region is a model

اىٍدرس اىدنخٔر ةراًْ٘ ٌدٍد صاىح

The referendum For the independence of Kurdistan from the perspective of Islamic law and international law

اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و نرًٗ، اىٍدرس اىدنخٔر أردوان ٌصطفٕ إشٍاغیو

The role of the Shura in resolving disputes between the Iraqi state and the Kurdistan Region

األستاذ المساعد امدکجور َاشه ودىد أوٌي سنٌىان

Inter-governmental relations in the Swiss Confederation An analytical study

امىدرس امدكجِر غثىان غنْ وٓصْ

The impact of misunderstanding of the legal text on the spread of terrorism

المدرس امركخِر أردوان وططفّ إسىاغٔل، المدرس امركخِر وحىر ؤرزا أغا ؤرزا أغا

The problem of distribution of national wealth

اهًدرس الدکخْر سْالڤ کاکُیی

The Competences of Kurdistan Region Employees Disciplinary Committee and appealing its provisions.

امىدرس امدكخِر وُدي خىدي وُدي ، امىدرشث امىصاغدة ٌَد غتداألوير غنِش

Achieving the influence and impact on the branches of jurisprudence Applied Fundamental Study

امىدرس امدكخِر آرام سالل عتداهلل امتٔرخضري

The crimes of terrorism and its consequences for international peace and security "Crimes Condemned Model"

المدرس امركخِر َێىي غتراهلل وحىر ، امىررس امىساغر سٍروەر حىٍ احىر

The crime of abstention in the Iraqi Penal Code

اىٍررس اىٍصاعر عرٍان ٌططفى عتراه


Nazar H. Shuker، Dina A. Basheer، Shaimaa S. Esa
PDF (English)
