The referendum For the independence of Kurdistan from the perspective of Islamic law and international law


  • اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و نرًٗ ٛف٣ اإلدارة ا١ٜا٧٬٧ٰث / ٞ٢ٰث ا١ٜا٬٧ن وا١ٓبلٛات ا١ػو١ٰث / ا١شا٤ٓث ا٢١ت٨ا٧ٰث ا١ٙؽ٧فٰث
  • اىٍدرس اىدنخٔر أردوان ٌصطفٕ إشٍاغیو ٞ٢ٰث ا١ٓ٬٢م اإلـبل٤ٰث / سا٤ٓث نبلح ا١ػٯ٦



Independence, Sharia, perspective, international law, referendum, selfdetermination, free integration.


The people's referendum for independence is a legitimate and legal right. There is no doubt that the Kurdish people in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq have the same right, but it was denied. The research strives to show the concept of the referendum and the date of its emergence and to show its standards and divisions. The study then clerified the legality of the referendum on the independence of Kurdistan from the perspective of Islamic law and international law. It explained that Islam did not stand in front of the freedom of peoples. The referendum is legitimate and supported by international law. At the conclusion of the research, the main results were highlighted, and the most prominent recommendations were made.


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How to Cite

اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و نرًٗ, & اىٍدرس اىدنخٔر أردوان ٌصطفٕ إشٍاغیو. (2018). The referendum For the independence of Kurdistan from the perspective of Islamic law and international law. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(1), 537–553.


