Published in 2020-09-30


The Role of Asking Questions in Controlling the Classroom

Rezhna Saefaddin Hassan##common.commaListSeparator##Abdulwahid mushir mahmod

Speech Acts in Social Relations, Customs and Traditions

Abdulmutalib abdulla Mohammedmstafa##common.commaListSeparator##Badrkhan Suliman Ali

The Economical Outcomes of the Political Party in The Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Rozhgar Saadi Sabir##common.commaListSeparator##Samih Mustafa Hassan

Relations of Human Rights Documentations with Constitutional Regulation of Rights

Badr Mohammed Taher Mustafa##common.commaListSeparator##Hawre Kamal Muhammed

An Analytical Study Of Traffic Accidents In The City Of Erbil In The Period 1979-2019

Omed Abdulmajid Qader##common.commaListSeparator##Tahir Hasso Zebri

The Effect of Force Majeure On Exempting the Air Carrier (Of Persons) From Contractual Liability _ Join Rearech_

Tara Saeed Abdullah Al Dabbagh##common.commaListSeparator##Hozan abdul muhsin Abdullah

The Principle Of Binding Force Of A Contract And Its Legal Basis - A Comparative Study

Sherzad aziz sulaiman##common.commaListSeparator##Younis Othman Ali

Qur'anic Stories As A Source Of The Prophet’s Biography

Jaafar Najmadin Ali Gwan##common.commaListSeparator##Mahdi Amen Hadi

International Private And Mixed Jurisdiction

Hussain Abd Ali Issa##common.commaListSeparator##Shirwan Ali Mahmood

Lifestyle from Scientist’s Perspective (Simmel, Weber and Bourdieu) (Theoretical Study)

Abdullah Kurshid Abdullah##common.commaListSeparator##Shahlaa Wali Jabbar

Illocutionary Act and Communication with Reference to Translation

Misbah Mahmood AL-Sulaimaan##common.commaListSeparator##Lubna M. Khoshaba

The Impact of the Trump Doctrine on Syria

Salih Omar Issa##common.commaListSeparator##Chenar Babaker Mohammed

Trait Based Assessment on Teaching Writing Skill for EFL Learners

Sangar Lateef Ome##common.commaListSeparator##Awan Kamal Muhammed

Turkey as A Determinant Factor Stabilizing the Middle East

Shokhan Sherzad Qader##common.commaListSeparator##Mohammed Ihsan

Comparison Between ARIMA And Fourier ARIMA Model To Forecast The Demand Of Electricity In Sulaimani Governorate

Botan Karim Ahmed##common.commaListSeparator##Sham Azad Rahim##common.commaListSeparator##Bestan Bahaalddin Maaroof ##common.commaListSeparator##Hindreen Abdullah Taher

The International Protection of Vulnerable Groups during Armed Conflicts

Reagr Farhad Muhammadamin##common.commaListSeparator##Bryar Sherko Baban