The Visual Pollution Problem In Ankawa Sub District Center


  • Poleen Polis AL Nabati Department of Geography, College of Art, University of salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



visual, pollution, planning, pollutant, environment, design


This study dealt with one of the most dangerous environmental pollutants that affect the health of human being indirectly and the human being adapted to live with it.
The manifestations of visual pollution in ankawa sub district center is not the result of today, but several years ago as this area suffers from visual pollution caused by urban expansion and diversity of building materials and the lack of awareness among the population about the seriousness of this phenomenon and also the increasing number of population, because this area has important factors for attracting people to live in it, for these reasons, most of the national and international companies and international organizations based in it.
This problem became more complicated because of decrease awareness about the important of this problem sometimes, and also by the decisions taken by the competent authorities on the construction regarding the designs and materials that used in building in the other times, with their negligence regarding the beauty of this town , in addition to neglect the opinion of specialists in the field of architects and designers to make the right decisions in these important topics or nowhere to take their advice, in order to define the problem the study included three chapters ,chapter one dealt with defining the topic and area of
study, chapter tow focus on manifestation of visual pollution, as well as the third chapter studied the most prominent solutions needed to solve it with result and suggestions.


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How to Cite

Poleen Polis AL Nabati. (2020). The Visual Pollution Problem In Ankawa Sub District Center. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 5(3), 614–635.


