Environmental Subjects of Contemporary Mural Drawings
Art, Artist, Environment, Mural, ContemporaryAbstract
We all, whether humans, animals, trees, or plants, share one environment, and we cannot live outside of this environment. Therefore, the environment affects us, and we also affect the environment. After human progress and needs have increased, their waste has also had a huge negative impact on the environment. Art is one of the ways through which we can defend the environment from the negative impact of humans and human waste. On the other hand, art, especially contemporary art, has raised awareness among people about such negative impacts on the air, water, and land environment. This research is an attempt to study of environmental subjects of contemporary mural drawings in displaying environmental disasters in relation to the negative impact of humans on the environment. The research consists of four parts: Part I) includes a general framework, in which the problems, importance, objectives, limitations, and definitions of terms which the research presented. The researcher discusses the research problem: can the environment be changed through mural art? We have also defined terms such as an environmental, mural, and contemporary. Part II) includes a Theoretical Framework of the research consisting of three themes: 1. Concept of environment and its types. 2. History of murals in ancient times, and 3. History of the contemporary mural. Part III) includes methodology and implementation of research analysis including the analysis of several examples of contemporary mural art. Part IV) consists of results, conclusion, and recommendations, as well as a list of references.
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