The Role of Asking Questions in Controlling the Classroom
open questions, closed questions, archers questions, fishing questions, controlling, classroom managementAbstract
The research entitled (The role of asking questions in controlling the classroom), talks about the power of asking question and their impact on controlling the classroom, where the method of asking questions proved to be an important and effective way that the teacher can rely to control the classroom and attract the attention of students within an atmosphere, And keeping them away from what could distract them or make them occupy themselves with it is a secondary thing. in the research we took two samples of teaching and recorded them, then we determined the types and extent of the effect of asking questions and the percentage of using this method in both samples, from the point of view of the teacher in the classroom. In conclusion that shows how the teacher in the first lesson managed to control the classroom well, by asking solved question and answers, while in the second lesson , how the students felt bored because, of the lack of asking questions, and the teachers inability to draw their attention to the lesson, because of their preoccupation.
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