The Role of Strategic Leadership in Organizational Learning
A theoretical perspective
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
leadership, organizational, strategic, learning, roleالملخص
The study mainly focuses on the role of strategic leadership in organizational learning. The overview of the organizational learning with the help of strategic learning is explained. The study also explains the process and stages in the organizational learning’s and strategic leadership and the combination of both that strengthen the organization. The term strategic leadership is referred to as the potentiality of a manager to establish a strategic vision for his company or a part of the company. On the other hand, organizational learning is referred to the pathway of an organization to prove itself over a time frame and in this process it needs to gain experience and create knowledge. For all companies the organizational learning is an important factor which it needs to incorporate because creating the learning, retaining the knowledge and transferring it to the employees will provide strength to the organization. The company conceives an idea or a product, act on the promotion and the outcome then gets reflected. It is by the procedure of reflection the outcome and the process of learning will take place.
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الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2022 Hazhar Omer Mohammed, Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah, Hawre Latif Majeed , Zana Majed Sadq
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