Non-Linguistic Signs in Communication


  • Dastan Sabr Mama Department of Kurdish, College of language, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Abdullah Hussein rasool Department of Kurdish, College of language, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Communication, non-linguistic signs, tone, body language, para linguistic


The Human language is‎ ‎‏a measure of signs, and ‎ non-linguistic signs, as one‎ of ‎the most prominent components of semiotics, have given a great deal of attention to all signs which makes the basis of human ‎communication.‎ This‎ ‎research deals with‏ non-linguistic signs in‎‏ ‏communication,‏ a topic that is vital for 93% ‏of individuals use signs in their interactions. Communication via non-linguistic signs is‎ one of the oldest means of communication. For example, a child’s cry, which is a non- linguistic sign, is the first means a human being uses. Using linguistic signs have had an important role in different modes of communication in society. However, non- linguistic signs play only a supplementary role in communication.

This research consists of two chapters: The first chapter ‏discusses the process of ‎communication‏ and‎ the basis‏ of communication. It also deals with ‎‏the ‎non-linguistic ‏signs‎ and‎ the purpose behind using‏ them.‏ The second chapter is dedicated to the types of non-linguistic signs, and embarks of such topics as paralinguistic elements, e.g., tone, silence, pause, body language, the remoteness or closeness of the interlocutors, and picture as a kind of non-linguistic signs ‏in communication. ‎‏The research end with the conclusions and ‏the list of the references consulted throughout the whole work.




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مالپه‌ری ئه‌لیكترۆنی:

- Ckb.M.

- Kosalan,


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