Max Weber's theory of personal charisma


  • شاه زاد رمضان حسن قسم التربیة العامة / کلیة التربیة واللغات / الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية



Theory, Max Weber, Personal Charisma


The goal of research is to identify Max Weber's power, Max Weber's types of power, Max Weber's charisma, charisma and charisma, define the psychological, social, and relational dimensions of charismatic leadership. The descriptive approach was adopted in this research. The research concluded that: Weber's comprehensive theory of charismatic leadership should be expanded to include details on how to accurately identify charismatic leaders and distinguish leaders. In addition, we need to better account for individual or historical circumstances and cultural attitudes that lead to charismatic leadership and influence them. Also, Weber was aware of the prophets when he discussed the charismatic leaders, but the prophets are not the only kind of religious leaders. Any theory of charismatic leadership must have a disparity with regard to different types of leaders and religious leaders who have cross identities, because we may disagree with the psychological, social or relational factors that arise or contribute to charisma, especially because what one person thinks is that charisma is not permissible Interpreted or tested by another person. The charismatic leadership varies among leaders of different kinds - Muslim intellectuals, politicians, government officials, leaders of organizations and scientists, linked to internal or external conflicts of values (such as religion) and immediate needs (such as safety).




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