االتجاهات الوالدية في التنشئة االجتماعية وعالقتها بالتكيف االجتماعي ألبناء األسر العراقية المه َّجرة في مخيمات النزوح السورية ) مخيم نوروز في المالكية نموذجا(
Legislation, local units, administrative structure, decision, ministry, federal stateAbstract
The research aims to identify trends in parental socialization among a sample of children in the Syrian displacement camps. And the level of social adjustment for them. The differences between the responses of the research sample on a scale trends in parental socialization depending on the research variables (length of stay in the camp, the educational level of the father, the educational level of the mother). The differences between the responses of the research sample on the social adjustment scale depending on the research variables (length of stay in the camp, the educational level of the father, the educational level of the mother). The displacement camps. The researcher used measure of trends in parental socialization and scale of social adjustment, and adopted Find the descriptive and analytical approach. The study concluded the following results: o There is a positive correlation statistically significant differences between the scores of children of displaced families in the Syrian displacement camps on a scale trends in parental socialization and their scores on the social adjustment scale. o There were statistically significant differences between the averages of individual differences Answers research sample on a scale of parental socialization trends in variable depending on the level of education of the father and the mother in favor of the children who
had their parents' level of education of the owners college degree or higher. o There were statistically significant differences between the averages of individual differences Answers sample search on the social adjustment scale depending on the variable length of stay in the camp for the benefit of children who live with their families for some time (two years). o There were statistically significant differences between the averages of individual differences Answers sample search on the social adjustment scale variable depending on the level of education of the father and the mother in favor of the children who had the educational level of their parents (college degree or higher).
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