The Role of Social Networks on Revival of Nation Languages

(Such as Kurdish Language in Facebook)


  • Sakar Kamal Wahid Department of Kurdish, College of languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Yousif Sharef Saeed Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (Retierd)



social networks, Facebook, language revival, language preservation, language transfer.


Social networks are an essential part of the development of modern technology. These networks have revolutionized the field of language and communication and brought a long way closer. In these communications, each nation uses their own language; that is, the use of different languages by their nations in social networks is a significant aspect for the development of their languages. This study describes the role that social networks play in the language development of nations, especially the languages of those nations that have limited opportunities to use and are in danger of extinction, because they are not politically, economically, and technologically dominant. These nations can use social networks as a means of reviving their languages and adapting them to modern technology. This research falls within the boundaries of social linguistics as the researcher adopted a descriptive and analytical approach. This study focuses on the theoretical aspects of the subject, to benefit from the experiences of peoples that have made social networks a fertile ground for the development of their languages.

To achieve the study's objective, the researcher assumed that social networks are an important virtual world for the survival and revival of languages, all the nations must use them in order to serve their languages because these networks are equally available to all nations without any discrimination. These networks are a technological opportunity and must be approached with extreme caution because they cause negative changes to the language. If these changes are not used in the direction of language development, they will lead to distortion and destruction of the language. This research's content consists of an introduction and two parts, and at the end of the research, the results are presented, the list of references and the summary of the research in Arabic and English are offered.





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