An image of the female gender in Kurdish poetry


  • کوردستان موکریانی کۆلێژی پەروەردە وزمان زانکۆی لوبنانی فەرەنسی


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Female, kurdish hair, mental image, man's body, status, experience, love.


This subject investigates the image of the female gender in Kurdish male poetry. Already from childhood, the female gender has a fixed position in males’ inner consciousness. The female gender was and is widely spread in the field of Kurdish poetry. Female gender, in Kurdish poetry, is exposed in different ways. The exposition by the male gender is an image created by them of the grandmother, mother, wife, sister, lover and daughter. These images need to be studied independently and separately. In this study, the images show a direct relation with the process of loving. If we omit the image of love in Kurdish poetry it would become an empty field. This study consists of a number of poems from male genders, where poets share their experience with readers. The poems refer to different literary schools. From a female point of view, a restudy and a reinvestigation has been made on literary female image in which it reveals the effect of male feelings toward male intuition.


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كيفية الاقتباس

کوردستان موکریانی. (2018). An image of the female gender in Kurdish poetry. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(1), 1–27.


