پرەنسیپی بەشداری گشتی وشەفافییەت لە پرۆسەی بنیادنانی دەستور

توێژینەوەیەکی بەراوردکارییە


  • Sarhang Hameed Barzanji Department of Law, College of Law, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ismail Azez Rahim Department of Law, College of Law, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




the Constitution Democracy Peace Participate Transparency


The process of constitution-making went through several stages; as it was initially appeared in the form of grant solely by the rules. However, this process became political elitism over time, culminating in setting constitution being as part of the changes towards democracy, and constitution-making became part of  the peace-building process within societies. The principle of public participation and transparency has formed a cornerstone in the area of constitution-making; as they guarantee the success of the process and the balance between the unity of the homeland and peculiarities of the multiple and the various components of societies  Thus, this process has two dimensions in terms of importance; one is a national dimension and the other is an international dimension, which is represented in the participation of the international community in the constitution-making process, especially in post-conflict states or the states that have just emerged from conflict. This international participation is just an embodiment of the principle of public participation and transparency in
building national constitutions




http://constitutionnet.org/sites/default/files/participation_and_ consensusbuilding











نادرەس اود ىراورەب

Jonathan Morrow, Iraq’s Constitutional Process II, An Opportunity Lost,

Special Report 155, United States Institute of Peace, November 2005


Available at : https://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/sr155.pdf

Last Visited : 23/3/2019



Vivien Hart . Democratic Constitution Making, United State Institute Of

Peace, Special Report, N. 107, 2003


Available at: https://www.usip.org/publications/2003/07/democraticconstitution-making



Last Visited: 20/3/2019

Yash Ghai, The Role of Constitution in Assembli in Constitution

Making, 2019


Available at: http://constitutionnet.org/sites/default/files/2017-08/the _role _

of_constituent _assemblies_-_final_yg_-_200606.pdf

Last Visited: 29/3/2019.


بڵاو کرایەوە



