The Reflection of Culture and Folklore in the Kurdish Theatre
Heritage, Foikiore, Text theatre, Drama, Kurdish theatreAbstract
The paper entitled “The Reflection of Culture and Folklore in the Kurdish Theatre
”, is a descriptive analytic study that enlightens the role of culture and folklore in theatrical texts. The culture is that broaden circle that encompasses several fields, one of them is literary folklore, which is within the circle of figurative folklore. The authors of all the nations got benefit of their culture and folklore and made them the element and basis of writing their texts. Kurdish authors in all of the fields and genres of literature have got advantage of that important area (culture and folklore); one of those types of literature is theatre. Kurdish theatre when begins displaying, all the subjects were cultural and folkloric topics. After the emergence of written Kurdish theatrical texts, once again culture and folklore have become the essence and basis of those written theatrical texts. Starting from the first theatrical texts till now, that process continued in various ratio, styles and solutions from era to era. Consequently, we intend to investigate this field and to prove and reveal that the Kurdish theatre used culture and folklore as one of the sources of writing and displaying theatre.
The current study has based on some questions that could be seen as the problem of the study which are: Whether Kurdish theatre holds any cultural features? How has the written Kurdish text started and what has it depended upon? The study composes of two parts and each part comprises three sections which are (writers’ advantage of culture and folklore, factors and purposes of referring back to culture and folklore.
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