Published in 2018-06-30


Historical reading of psychology

پڕۆفسیۆرى یاریدەدەر دکخۆر وٍومود ئیتراَیه حٍسٍن، واوۆسخاى یاریدەدەر سازان جوَر حىٍ غریب

The ideological structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Study in the theory of the Wilayat alfaqih

دکجۆر ئٍویي فٍرەج شٍریف، واوۆسجاى یاریدەدەر ًیشجىان ڕەشید عٍمی

Employing the natural symbol of the revolutionary personality of Ibrahim Ahmed

دكجؤر عبداهلل ًاسٌي ئاوٌَدى، واوۆسجاى ًارًدەدەر حًٍدەر جٍوٍَر ئٍحىٍد

The problem of the centrality of oil and gas management in Iraq beyond 2005 The conflict between the Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraq's federal model

واوۆسجاى یاریدەدەر شااڵو عبدامخامق وحىد، واوۆسجاى یاریدەدەر سٍرثیپ خامص حسیي

General amnesty and its impact on the pleadings of criminal and disciplinary proceedings General Amnesty Law in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq No. 4/2017 as a model Comparative analytical study

واوۆسجاى یاریدەدەر ئووێد سٍعید خضر، واوۆسجاى یاریدەدەر حٍسٍن وسجٍفا حوسێي

Agreements against competition in the telecommunications sector - comparative legal study

األسخاذ امدكخِر ًاصر خنٔل جالل ، المدرس المساغد سرةسج كادر حسٔي

The role of the international community in the cause of the independence of peoples after the cold war A comparative study

االسخاذ امىساغد امدكخِر كىال غتداهلل خسي امجاف

The role of the Shura in resolving disputes between the Iraqi state and the Kurdistan Region

األستاذ المساعد امدکجور َاشه ودىد أوٌي سنٌىان

Measurement of Temporal Distinction of Reducing Agricultural Areas in Ankawa Distract between 1991 and 2015

األشخاذ اهًصاغد اهدلخْر ِاشى ٕاشٌٖ ضًدايٌٖ، األشخاذ اهًصاغد اهدلخْر هٖوٓ يطًد قّريان

The impact of brainstorming on the achievement of the sixth grade students In the field of civic education and the development of their innovative penance

األـخاذ امىفاعػ امػكخِر ستار أضىػ عتػامؽضىي ، الوػرس ـٔتثر رزكار رزاق

The dimensions of deliberation in the book of the best formulation in the Halia of rhetoric

ألسخاذ امىساعد امدكخِر دمخِش جاراهلل حسٔي دزه ْٓ، د.وُاةاد َاشه إةرأَه

The illustrious efforts of the mark Ibn Qara Daghi His entourage to explain the discharge of Mullah Ali model

األشخاذ امىصاعد الدكخور ودىد ذًون ًوًس، األشخاذ امىصاعد الدكخور عدًان عتد امقادر كاول

The linguistic lesson in the interpretation of (Movable interpretations) For Yusuf Al-Asem Al-Kurdi (h 1002 h)

األظخاذ امىعاعس امسكخِر ودىس صاةص وصطف، األظخاذ امىعاعس امسكخِر ودىس شاكص ودىس صامح

The legal effects of the cancellation of the trade name of the companies In Iraqi law

اىٍررس اىرکخٔر ئاالن ةٓاءاىریَ غتراهلل اىٍررس

Legal adaptation of the arbitrator's work: Comparative analytical study

امىسرس امسکخِر ريتاز أردالن ةكر

Fantasia in “Al Reesh Novel” by Saleem Barakat

اىٍػرس الدکخٔر ركاد نٍال ٌهٍفٕ

International auditing standards between theory, practice, and its application in the Kurdistan Region -Iraq

امىدرس امىساغد گؤران حسي كادر، امىدرس امىساغد دەرةاز أًِر إسىاغٔل

The extent to which the implementation of the target cost system is available in banks Field study of a sample of banks - Kurdistan Region

اىٍدرس اىٍساغد گؤران حسیَ كادر، اىٍدرس اىٍساغد دەرةاز أُٔر إسٍاغ٘و، اىٍدرس اىدنخٔر راٌ٘ار رزکار أحٍد

Islam and its relate to violence

اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و

A comparative study of financial performance indicators in conventional banks and Islamic banks In Kurdistan - Iraq

امىدرس امىساعد روَات أذىد صٔز اسىاعٔل زاده ، امىدرس امىساعد ضرّ سعد اسىاعٔل

The idea of a typical Islamic state when Mohammed Rashid Rida

ودرس وساعد َاًدەر عتد امخامق وطىد


Amin Salih Mohammed، Farah Qasim Ahmed Ahmed، Bnar Fareed Ibrahim