The Role of Voluntary Disclosure Content in Changing the Behavior of Stakeholders Towards Commercial Banks


  • Jamal Anwar Yaba Department of Accounting, College of Adminstration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hazim Hashim Muhamed Department of Accounting, College of Adminstration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hoshyar Abdulla Dizayee Department of Accounting, College of Adminstration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Voluntary Disclosure, Stakeholders, Users of Financial Statements


The research focuses on the role of voluntary disclosure content in changing the behavior of stakeholders towards commercial banks in Erbil city. This was represented in the objective of this research to highlight the importance of the content of voluntary disclosure contained in financial reports and its role in changing the behavior of stakeholders towards banks, as well as highlighting the concept and importance of the behavior of stakeholders. The researchers used the analytical method to achieve the objective of the research and to test its hypotheses. To obtain and analyze research data using statistical programs, questionnaire forms were distributed to the research community, which consisted of employees of companies, the government sector and the ordinary citizen, and the applied random sampling method was relied upon in selecting the samples, which consisted of (73) valid forms for analysis. It is concluded that there is a significant correlation between voluntary disclosure and the behavior of stakeholders and that the more commercial banks rely on voluntary disclosure of the information they have, the more positively improved behavior of stakeholders towards the decisions they take. Therefore, the research recommends that commercial banks work on applying market research technology in order to identify the nature of information that contributes to improving levels of voluntary disclosure by them based on the needs that stakeholders deem appropriate for their aspirations when dealing with these banks.




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