Financial Visibility And Error Minimisation Roles Of Accounting Information Systems In Enhancing The Information Value Of Financial Statements


  • Mohammed Khalid Mustafa Ministry of higher education and Scientific Research,Financial Control Directorate



Error minimisation, financial accounting systems, financial statements, financial visibility, information value.


The study analyses the financial visibility and error minimisation roles of accounting information systems in enhancing the information value of financial statements. Two hundred questionnaire responses were collected from employees of five medium and five large real estate companies in Erbil, Kurdistan, and were analyzed using a multiple regression analysis approach. The study's findings revealed that both the financial visibility and error minimization features of accounting information systems have a significant impact on improving the information value of financial statements. It is inferred from the study that the interactive benefits of the error minimisation and financial visibility roles of AIS in improving the information value of financial statements are very significant. The study recommends that companies improve the effectiveness of financial statements by minimizing errors and enhancing financial visibility. This will increase the information value of accounting information systems and help prevent fraud and other corporate misconduct practices.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Khalid Mustafa. (2024). Financial Visibility And Error Minimisation Roles Of Accounting Information Systems In Enhancing The Information Value Of Financial Statements. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(2), 1064–1087.


