Effects of Voluntary Disclosure on Investments Decisions:

An Empirical Examination of Kurdistan’s Real Estate Companies


  • Mohammed Khalid Mustafa Minisrty of higher education and scientific research – Financial Control Directorate




Agency theory, investment decision-making, real estate companies, signalling theory, voluntary disclosure,


The study examines the effects of voluntary disclosure on investment decisions. The study applies a linear regression model to analyse 197 responses collected from employees of 5 medium and 5 large real estate companies in Erbil, Kurdistan Region using International Financial Reporting Standard 7 and Accounting Standard 1 on the disclosure of information. The study findings do in an interesting manner reveal that financial, non-financial and strategic forms of disclosures have different positive effects on companies’ investment decisions. The study findings also revealed that the type of investment decisions made in companies increases as the companies grow in size. The study’s practical implications demand an increased application and improvements in accounting standards to uphold acceptable disclosure practices and enhance companies’ investment decisions. Of practical importance is the call for increased focus by managers to attach significant value and contributions to non-financial matters in investment decision-making.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Khalid Mustafa. (2024). Effects of Voluntary Disclosure on Investments Decisions:: An Empirical Examination of Kurdistan’s Real Estate Companies. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 8(5), 1150–1177. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.8.5.42


