(Love and Wine) as a Two Fundamental Concept in the Kurdish Poems of Mulla Wasman
Love, alcohol, symbol, Mullah Wasman, Sufi poetry.پوختە
This research paper explains (love and alcohol) the incomprehensible founders in Kurdish poetry for them. This is because (Mullah Wasman) is at the center of the essence and active in the story and the story of love and affection for the beloved; That is, the soul is the basis of the subject in discovering the spirit of pride for the beloved. Due to this, it is the basic substance that guarantees love and affection in (the drinker and the descendants of the drinker and the butler) is the appearance and appearance in the areas of this research paper.
This research paper includes the introduction and two chapters:
In the first chapter: The beginning of the discussion is expressed the types of love, and the mysteries that you wrote before the poem, to the side of discovering the criteria of love. This argument clarifies the central nature of the question: Is the love of the poet the love of God or the world? Thus, this research is added to the number of definitions of the concept of love and its types, because it clarifies the place of alcohol and the descendants of alcohol, and the spirit of love.
The second chapter includes the beloved of the poet, and the one who says: Allah, the Messenger, and the forerunner of the way (Sheikh Othman Al-Tawilaee). At that time, it’s did not neglect the thought of halal and haram for drinking; this is subject to interpretation and explanation. This poem is about the Kurdish poems, which they did not know, and they turned around on the surface of the new situation is drawing the right worlds, and they embodied in it the details of the lyric and the lyric intentions in arithmetic and numerical way, as followed: (The lover and the beloved, the life and the beloved, the beloved and the lovers, the beloved and the drink and the wine, ...).
At the end of the research, we highlight the results of the discussion and the sources, finally the pages Summary for languages: Arabic and English language.
قورئانى پیرۆز، "البقرة، النساء، المائدة، محمد".
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