Inter-governmental relations in the Swiss Confederation An analytical study


  • امىدرس امدكجِر غثىان غنْ وٓصْ ا٥١فخلار ا١ٜا٧٬٧ٮ ٘ٮ ا١ف٢ٍث ا١خلؽٯٰٓث ةإٛ٢ٰ٣ٞ ٬ردـخان ٤طاىؽ بٞ٢ٰث ا١ٜا٬٧ن وا١ٓالٛات ا١ػو١ٰث / ا١شا٤ٓث ا٢١ت٨ا٧ٰث ا١ٙؽ٧فٰث



Consensus, constitutional inertia, distribution of powers, federal decentralization, legal adaptation, concentration of power in one institution.


Switzerland and the Swiss people are distinguished by their delicacy, calmness and precision in their work, and they have been plagued by internal conflicts, most notably power struggles that hinder the development of constitutional experiences. Switzerland is a model federal state. The constitutional rules, the codified principles, the  practical requirements, the good management and stability of the state and the existence of a strong and confident government often become more important than the constitutional stalemate that is read in the course of the studies and analyzes presented to the Union. The distribution of responsibilities at the governmental level so that each side performs its role independently prevents the concentration of state authorities in the hands of a single institution, because the division of responsibility, federal decentralization and autonomy of the cantons have led to each level of government being able to perform its functions and functions independently, And that the enormous weight of the state revenues by the cantons led to a significant impact of cantons on decisions at the level of the Union.
As precedence is the federal laws that enjoy sovereignty in the event of a contradiction between it and the Canton Act, it nevertheless grants wide areas of legal powers to cantons and they are able to adapt to the law in accordance with their prevailing conditions and characterized by diversity and diversity at the cultural, ethnic, linguistic and economic levels. The flexibility in the nature of the inter-governmental relationship based on principles such as cooperation, mediation, mediation and negotiations has led to the establishment of a functional balance in the performance of the government, although the Constitution of the Executive places more emphasis on the principle of sharing power rather than autonomy. The principle of shared governance is exercised by the cantonal executive bodies by playing a more active role in participating in the federal
sovereign decision.




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