فاعلية المؤسسية التنظيمية من خالل القيادة التحويلية ) مع دراسة استطالعية آلراء عينة من الكادر التدريسي في جامعة كويە(


  • . د. هوشيار معروف كاكە ما قسم إدارة األعمال / كلية اإلدارة واإلقتصاد / الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية - أربيل
  • د. بروا سردار أحمد قسم اإلدارة واإلقتصاد/ فكلتي العلوم االنسانية و االجتماعية/ جامعة كويه محاضر في المعهد التقني هيبت سلطان االهلي
  • .م. زانا مجيد صادق قسم اإلدارة واإلقتصاد/ فكلتي العلوم االنسانية و االجتماعية/ جامعة كوي محاضر في الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية




Organizational structure; transformational leadership; integration and stability of legislation; integration and stability of legislation; strategic thinking and change initiatives.


This study aims to specify the levels of organizational structure, and transformational leadership by determine the nature of correlation and the impact between organizational structure that represented by (Responsibilities and locations, integration and stability of legislation, flexibility of coordination and communication, and strategic thinking and change initiatives) and transformational leadership represented by (Participation in decision-making, intellectual background and transparency of information, principles of modern management) collectively and individually through applied field to testing study variables along with depend on analytical descriptive approach. In order to achieve the study objectives a questionnaire has been designed and developed distributed to a sample of lecturers at Koya University that numbered (82) lecturers in order to verify the hypotheses that have been adopted in the present study. The study found that there is a positive correlation and significant impact
between organizational structure, and transformational collectively and individually. Based on the results, a number of suggestions and recommendations have been presented.




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