The Interaction Between Economics and Politics in Rentier States


  • Ribaz Chato Biro Department of Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Law, Political Science, and Management, Soran University, Soran District, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Almas Heshmati Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden



Natural Resources, Rentier States, Governance, Dutch Disease, Corruption, Resource Curse, Economic Growth


In states where income is mainly derived from rent, it is crucial to consider the relationship between politics and economics to appreciate these nations' dynamics and creating successful strategies. This research extensively explores the complex relationship between politics and economics in rentier states, with a specific emphasis on how this dynamic affects governance, economic strategies, and socioeconomic growth. The interaction between these two fields holds significant implications for the general welfare and sustainability of these nations. A key takeaway from the study is the critical need to balance economic pursuits with political stability, while being mindful of the outcomes of the interplay between economics and politics in these nations. The researchers employed a qualitative approach and thoroughly analyzed a diverse range of primary and secondary sources, leading to several significant discoveries. Notably, the study found a high positive relationship between economic and political factors in rentier states.




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