The Effect of Governance Indicators on Economic Growth (Case Study) The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Economic growth, Financial crises, Governance, Corruption control, Legal sovereigntyAbstract
The global financial crises and collapses that affected the institutions, which were caused by a lack of competencies and expertise in the management of institutions, in the sense not to take the principle of governance, which led to the collapse of these institutions As a result of these collapses, many international institutions and institutions in the governance . Therefore, the importance of research was that governance plays an important role in creating an economic climate conducive to achieving economic stability and raising economic growth rates. The lack of good building for national institutions and effective laws contributes to the provision of adequate environment for the corrupt, but has neglected many important indicators in reaching the desired goal of these countries. The objective of the research is to identify governance and indicators, Control of corruption, government effectiveness, political stability, legal sovereignty, quality of legislation, opinion and accountability), their impact on economic growth in Jordan, study of economic growth indicators and knowledge of the relationship between governance indicators and economic growth of Jordan . The research hypothesized that governance has a significant impact on economic growth. The research was based on theoretical analytical method, analytical quantitative approach and statistical program for social sciences. The results of the standard estimation were used using the method of the normal minimum squares based on data obtained by the World Bank. The study found that the effectiveness of governance, political stability, opinion and issue had a
significant effect on economic growth. Indicators (control of corruption, legal sovereignty, and quality of legislation) were insignificant in economic growth.
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