Attitude of Al- Al bayt in supporting and praising the Rashidin Caliphs
This research the "Attitude of Al- Al bayt in supporting and praising the Rashidin Caliphs" deals with love and praising relationships of the Al-Albayt to the Rashidin Caliphs along with emphasising that the importance of the conducts and behaviours of the rightly gnided Caliphs wich are duties and orders addressed to all muslims,In addition to all these points it is not necessary to talk about the cases and problems existed a many people, rather it is necessary to deal with their right behaviours All these principles were familiar to All- Albayt who completely understood ,followed and applied them practically in their attitudes, unfortunately and after the death of the prophet (peace be upon him) many problems came an the of electing a Caliph as the majority of the followers of Al-Asunna and Jama'at consider Abubakr Assiddiq to be the first of the Muslims Caliphs,But the mejority of the shiite people consider Ali Bin Abi Talib and All-Albayt to be the inheritance of the prophet(peace be upon him), All the All-Albayt members collectively agree that Abubaker Assiddiq and Omer Ibn Alkhattab and Otoman Ibn Affan were worthy to take the Caliphate,Here the Al -Albayt did not pay attention the objections criticisms and abuse against the Rashidin Caliphs and refused them, Moreover the Al-Albayt were the first who defended the Rashidin caliphs because these Caliphs were among the best of the prophets (peace be upon him) as those were guided by Allah and ordered people to pursue them and keep their righteous conduct and acts,The Al-Albayt had an important role during the times of all the three Rashidin Caliphs regarding administration case consulting and judiciary in addition to having closed relations be cause of marriage affairs among A-Albayt and the Rashidin Caliphs,Al-Albayt named their children after the names of Rashidin Caliphs.
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