Analysis of Islamic Ensclopidea About Kurdish Concept and Kurdish Region in Islamic Century
This dissertation Is titled (Analyze the Islamic Encyclopedia) that addresses the concept of Kurd and Kurdish Danisties in the Islamic era. It is a comparative study of the information inside the Islamic Encyclopedia that collected by several orientalist. It means that the Islamic Encyclopedia is a work of several orientalists that able to collect information about Middle East in general and Islamic nations in particular.
Kurds have been addressed by this encyclopedia as one of the Islamic nations. This dissertation discusses Kurdish ancient, medieval and new history. It sheds light on Kurds and Kurdish amnesties in the Islamic era, which is scientifically significant.
Despite the shortcomings in the Islamic Encyclopedia when it studied Kurds, however, it successfully able to deliver the history of Kurds, their political system and environment to readers in different languages. Especially the history of Meds that defined as Kurds who had different clans and tribes.
In the Islamic era, we can notice that the encyclopedia also addressed the area as Kurdish based on the Kurdish tribes and clans that inhabited there.
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