The Role of Holistic Marketing in Promoting Marketing Excellence:

Case study at Fastlink, Korek and Asiacell Communications & Internet


  • Lana Abdullah Shekho Department, of Business Administration, College of, Administrative Technical, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Dlawar Jalal Ghareeb Department, of Business Administration, College of, Administrative Technical, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Marketing Management, Holistic Marketing, Marketing Excellence, Marketing Creativity, Customer Satisfaction


The current study aims to find the relationship and the impact of comprehensive marketing to enhance the marketing excellence of a number of telecommunications and Internet companies in the private sector in the city of Erbil. The concept of comprehensive marketing has become in contemporary marketing concepts, and represent the independent variable in holistic marketing with its dimensions (internal marketing, integrated marketing, relationship marketing, performance marketing), while the dependent variable was represented by marketing excellence in its dimensions (customer retention, service quality, marketing creativity, intrinsic capabilities) in telecommunications companies. In order to answer the problem of the study, four main hypotheses are presented for selection, The study is divided into two parts, the first is by addressing the theoretical aspects related to the study variables, while the second represents the field side of the study, which is carried out through a real study of the existence of the influence relationship between the study variables in the studied companies represented by telecommunications and Internet companies (FastLink, Kork, Asiacell) in the city of  Erbil, where the questionnaire was randomly distributed to (380) questionnaires, and then (350 ) forms were returned, After distributing the data, the results were obtained from the answers of the sample members to the questions of the questionnaire, Then they were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis Program (SPSS) and a set of results were reached, the most important of which were:

There is a strong moral correlation between the two variables and their dimensions at the macro and micro levels

 And the correlation coefficients were high. These results confirm the strong correlation between the two variables, as the results of the study confirmed the existence of a significant effect of holistic marketing and marketing excellence at the general level.  The researcher made a number of suggestions, including:

The need for the companies under study to study the market in depth to reduce the size of the gap between what the customer desires and what is actually presented to him “in order for the company to be distinguished in marketing” as well as building a culture and philosophy of holistic marketing in the company so that the working individuals believe in it and embody it in their behavior and work in the company, and the necessity  The continuation of the strong relationship between the main and sub-variables at the macro and micro level, and the strong correlation between them, and directing them to serve the researched companies.






أولاً :المراجع بالغة العربية

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