Relationship between unemployment and social identity
Unemployment , Social Identity , University graduateپوختە
The current study aims to uncover the nature and reality of unemployment through studying the personal motivation to seek work by the unemployed and the level of social identity among the unemployed graduates of the university (Erbil city model), in light of some variables such as gender (female - male), Social Situation( Married, single), specialization (human, scientific), and finally graduation year. The study was based on the descriptive approach. The researcher applied the measures of unemployment by measuring the personal motivation to look for work and the social identity scale on a random sample of (370) unemployed and unemployed graduates of the university. The study found that there is a positive correlation between the personal motivation to look for work and the social identity among the graduates of Salahaddin University.
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●بشرى عناد مبارك )2310 ،)التعصب وعالقته بالهوية االجتماعية والمكانة االجتماعية لدى العاطلين عن العمل، مجلة الفتح، العدد الثالث والخمسون، كلية التربية، جامعة ديالى.
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●كفاح سعيد غانم الدبعي )2330 ،)الهوية االجتماعية واالستقرارالنفسي وعالقتهما بالتعصب االجتماعي لدى الموظفين والموظفات بدوائر الدولة الحكومية بأمانة العاصمة صنعاء، اطروحة دكتوراه غير منشورة مقدمة الى مجلس كلية االداب، جامعة بغداد.
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