The Role of Electronic Recruiting in Providing Job Opportunities

An analytical study to take the opinions of a sample graduates of the Faculty of Administration and Economics- Lebanese French University


  • Ronyaz Hayyas Mahmood Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Houshyar Abdulrahman Darbandi Department of Tourism Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Recruiting, Electronic Recruiting, Providing Job Opportunities, Unemployment, Job Creation


The research aimed to demonstrate the role of electronic recruiting in its dimensions represented by (electronic attraction, electronic evaluation, electronic selection) in providing job opportunities in its ways represented by (taking measures to unemployment, technology and digital platforms, the Internet, and new projects, private projects and entrepreneurship), the researchers based in this research on the analytical descriptive approach. to describe the main and sub-variables, as well as to analyze the relationships and impact between the variables, a stratified random sample was selected in the research community )fresh graduates from the Faculty of Administration and Economics - Lebanese French University Erbil(, with a sample size of (120). Graduates, and (110) questionnaires were imported, and (107) were valid for analysis. Hypotheses were tested by applying statistical methods using the computer program (SPSS V.25).

The results of the research showed a set of main conclusions, including the results of the correlation analysis revealing the existence of positive moral relationships between electronic polarization and the provision of job opportunities at the macro and micro levels. In addition, there are positive and significant effect of the independent variable (electronic polarization) on the dependent variable (providing job opportunities), and based on the conclusions, the researchers presented a set of proposals, the most important of which is the need to focus on the dimensions of electronic polarization and more on the dimension of electronic attraction because it showed the weakest effect according to the Multiple Linear Regression. He also suggested the necessity of announcing vacancies on the Internet, whether on the specialist web or on social media. The research also suggested the need to form committees of specialists and experts to prepare a plan, especially to reduce unemployment in the labor market of the Kurdistan Region, and focus on attracting college graduates.




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