Grammar characteristics of Mastheads in the Kurdish press (Xebat and Kurdistani Nwe) Newspapers as Samples
Main Title, Morphology, Grammar, Block Language, Grammatical propertiesپوختە
Mastheads have a major importance and role as an influential linguistic unit in the press, so that there is a difference between the language used in headlines and the vernacular, in terms of language and wording. Therefore, this research aims to explain and analyze the main titles in the two newspapers (Khebat, Kurdistan News) in an attempt to show the morphological and grammatical peculiarities that distinguish the language of Manshet from the vernacular language. For this purpose, the research began with an explanation of the concept and term (Manshet) and its main types in terms of formulation, and then, carefully and in detail, the linguistic characteristics of the Manchette writing language were determined. In conclusion, the results of the search were presented in a number of points.
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