Shah Abbas I: Ending the authority of provincial governors (Fars, Gilan and Lorestan)



  • Khalil Ali Murad Department of History, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Mustafa Muhammad karem Department of History, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Safavid, Shah Abbas I, provinces, governors, Fars, Gilan, Lorestan


Shah Abbas I, at the beginning of his rule, tried repeatedly to get rid of the domination of the Qizilbash, who imposed their control over political and administrative matters in the Safavid state after the death of Shah Tahmasp I, taking advantage of the turmoil that befell the state and the security chaos that spread throughout the country in order to ensure their personal interests.From this point of view, the research tries to discuss issues related to the internal politics of the Safavid state in the beginnings of the rule of Shah Abbas I and his attempts to crush the absolute power enjoyed by the provinces of (Fars, Gilan and Lorestan) with an explanation of the reasons that prompted the Shah to pursue that policy from one side, and the reactions of the rulers Regions towards the Shah and his military steps on the other hand.

The research consists of three main axes, in the first axis entitled (Disobedience of Khan Dul Qadr in the region of Persia) with reference to the most important causes and results that resulted from his disobedience and its effects on the shah himself, and the most important plans of the Shah to suppress Dul Qadr’s insurrection, while the second axis was devoted to discussing the issue of (Disobedience of Gilan Region) and the steps that Khan Gilan took, seeking to abstain from submitting to the central authority, contrary to the ideas and measures of Shah Abbas I, which led to the occurrence of military clashes and the fall of Khan Gilan from power. As for the third and final axis, entitled (Lorestan Disturbances and Shawaridi's Disobedience), it deals with the internal conditions of the Safavid state at the beginning of the rule of Shah Abbas I and the implications of the Treaty of Astana concluded with the Ottoman state and its implications for the widening of the gap and distrust between Lorestan and the Shah. Abbas, and through him, among us, how the Shah, despite the relationship between him and the ruler of Lorestan, was able to limit the power and influence of your Lorestan entourage, which led to the creation of a kind of unrest in Lorestan, and at the end of the axis we discussed without ambiguity or ambiguity the Shah's military plans for the Nile and the assault from your house in Lorestan.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Khalil Ali Murad, & Mustafa Muhammad karem. (2022). Shah Abbas I: Ending the authority of provincial governors (Fars, Gilan and Lorestan): (1588-1598). QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(2), 108–126.


