The Effect of Positive Affectivity on Creative Performance Mediating by Quality of Work Life
The current study sought to develop the intellectual contents that examine quality of work life (QWL) as a mediator between positive affectivity (PA) and creative performance (CP) of employees in banks of Koya city,-Erbil-Kurdistan region-Iraq. This was accomplished on three levels: Determination of the philosophical content of human resources management and organizational behavior in modern administrative thought, diagnosis and presentation represented by quality of work life (QWL) as a mediator between positive affectivity (PA) and creative performance. An analysis of the extent of positive affectivity impact on creative performance through quality of work life in the studied banks. The formulation of a scheme of the concept of positive affectivity in banks and the development of specific expectations on the nature of the relationship and influence between the variables investigated. The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach in her current study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher adopted a hypothetical construct reflecting the nature of the influence relationships between the variables of the study and its distance, based on a number of main hypotheses and subsets which were subjected to a series of statistical tests through the SPSS Vr. 24) and (Amos Vr.24). Depending on random sampling process. The researcher distributed 100 questionnaires just 90 questionnaires were returned. Based on the conclusions, the study reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the organizations should provide a healthy, happy, and appropriate human resource management system and invest in survival, belonging, and knowledge needs to contribute to the banks in a positive way.
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