
Banaz Wirya Ali


The authors of Postmodernism illuminate the problems of life in a postmodern world. Identity is one of the most dominant themes for postmodern researchers, especially after the WWII. This study selects a novel of Don DeLillo’s White Noise in America. The main purpose behind this novel is to display to the readers that the issue of construction of identity is not merely faced by the immigrants but it is also faced by the native individuals in their motherland country. 

The well-known American novelist Don DeLillo deals with the construction of identity according to his perspectives. The postmodern novelist in White Noise claims the role of consumerism, mass media and technology in the construction of identity.

This paper displays the identity formation in multicultural society in America which determines by consumerism, technology and mass media as it is portrayed with an American citizen Jack Gladney in Don DeLillo’s White Noise.

Besides, it interprets the extent to which the main character succeeds or fails in overwhelming the construction of identity in multicultural America. Consequently, this study displays the outcome of the main character’s struggle in the formation of their identity.  At the end of the novel, shows that Gladeny unsuccessfully construct his personal identity as a professor because he simulated a false person, and his identity was not stable.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Banaz Wirya Ali. (2021). The Construction of Identity in Don DeLillo’s White Noise. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 6(2), 963–984. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.6.2.35

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