The United States of America and the Iraqi identity crisis after 2003


  • Younis Talat Al-Dabbagh Department of Diplomacy & International Relations, College of Law & International Relations, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Iraq.



International Interests, Military Intervention, Identity Crisis, the War, Political Systems


Identity has become a major concern in contemporary thought and in many fields of research, especially political and social, and before that in psychological reflection. Therefore, the identity crisis is considered one of the most complex crises facing, in the current era, many modern peoples and societies, including those of ancient civilizational origins. Or even those that lack belonging to the ancient civilization alike.

And Iraq, as a well-known historical example of the ancient nations, which maintained its permanence despite the countless groups and sects of various languages, civilizations and religions that settled in it and mixed with its people and civilization so that it became part of it, for example, but not limited to, the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Persians, Kushites, Hurrians, Medes, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Mongols, Ottomans, and other groups and groups.

Many religions, sects, nationalities, linguistic groups and ethnic groups coexist in Iraq, sometimes close and sometimes discordant, but their convergence or resentment did not reach the point of canceling the other, so everyone maintained their presence under an Iraqi national tent.

Our choice is due to the study of the Iraqi identity crisis, after the military intervention of the United States of America in Iraq in 2003, when national, religious and sectarian conflicts began to erupt in Iraq in a violent manner that was not familiar before. The deterioration, because the US administration did not prepare well for the post-Saddam Hussein era, and this administration, through its military intervention in Iraq and taking ill-considered decisions, committed many mistakes, practices and lapses that contributed to the exacerbation of the conditions of the Iraqi national identity, as those who came Raising slogans of liberating Iraq, ridding the Iraqi people of the oppressive practices of Saddam Hussein's regime, and building a prosperous democracy in this country, they have contributed and engaged in practices that contradict the content of the slogans they raised, which in turn deepened the Iraqi identity crisis.


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ويكيبيديا الموسوعة الحرة




How to Cite

Younis Talat Al-Dabbagh. (2022). The United States of America and the Iraqi identity crisis after 2003. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(2), 896–916.


