Islam and its relate to violence


  • اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و ٠ٲح ا٣ٞة٩ٮن وا٣ٕبلٝةت ا٣ؽو٣ٲح / ا٣ضة٦ٕح ا٤٣ج٪ة٩ٲح ا٣ٛؿ٩كٲح


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Religion, violence, conviction, freedom, economy, coercion, sharia, challenges, deprivation, religious perversion, adaptation, extremism, moderation, tolerance, preventive ..methods, diagnosis


One of the greatest rules of religion that the prophet of mercy Muhammad has brought is that conversion to Islam is up to the personal conviction of individuals, and that the call to him is based on good wisdom and exhortation, not coercion and force.
One of the things that Islam came to achieve is the treatment of everyone Of Muslims, and encourages them to peace, tolerance and non-violence. Sharia law has arranged to deal with peace among members of society in every part of the world, regardless of whether it is Muslim or otherwise. Because of what plagued the Islamic nation today the issue of violence, which described Islam, and there is no doubt that the violence is far from the religion of Islam, but an old phenomenon, and the detection of the roots of violence of contemporary places because Muslims today are facing many problems and challenges of the times. The phenomenon of the spread of violence is one of the problems of the age and the phenomenon of the most complex and dangerous to individuals and society The danger of this phenomenon in that it affects the relationship and the link between individuals in societies, and this phenomenon is increasing rapidly, and this affects the present of these societies and dark darkness on the future, and affect the future And the reputation of Islam today is exposed to the most virulent  campaigns and the mere mention of the word terrorism or violence in some quarters is portrayed as an Islamic origin and action, but it is necessary in this age and the critical phase itself which is filled with ideas that attract individuals to violence and distance from peace and Tolerance needs a light to reveal the reality of the religion of Islam and its tolerance, peace and non-violence, and that the phenomenon of violence needs to confront the work and effective dialogue, as can not be the Islamic approach to peace, non-violence and tolerance, it is not appropriate to address the phenomenon of violence without considering its causes And its causes, and treatment of preventive and therapeutic methods and that the violence did not come arbitrarily and did not arise arbitrarily, but has its causes and causes, and know the cause is very important because the reason why determine the type of treatment prescription medicine, there is no treatment only after diagnosis, To address the concept of The same, its causes and treatment of preventive and curative means from an Islamic perspective.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


)اث٨ٝ ٲ٥ ،٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ أثٰ ث١ؿ ث٨ أٱٮب ث٨ قٕؽ م٧ف ا٣ؽٱ٨ اث٨ٝ ٲ٥ ا٣ضٮزٱح، )٬1391ـ / 1971م(. دعٛح ا٧٣ٮدود ثأظ١ةم ا٧٣ٮلود.دعٞٲٜ: ٔجؽ ا٣ٞةدر األر٩ةؤوط، د٦نٜ: ١٦ذجح دار ا٣جٲةن، ط1.

)اث٨ ٦ةصح، أثٮ ٔجؽ اهلل ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ ٱـٱؽ ا٣ٞـوٱ٪ٰ، )1430 ٬ـ/ 2009 م(. ق٪٨ اث٨ ٦ةص٫ . دعٞٲٜ: مٕٲت األر٩ؤوط، ٔةدلُّ ٲٙ ظؿز اهلل، دار ا٣ؿقة٣ح ا٣ٕة٧٣ٲح، ط

٦ؿمؽ، ٦عَّ٧ؽ ٠ة٢٦ٝ ؿه ث٤٤َٔ ،ٰجؽ ا٤٣ 1.

)أثٮ ا٣ٛؽاء إق٧ةٔٲ٢ ث٨ٔ ٧ؿ ث٨ ٠سٲؿ ا٣ٞؿمٰ ا٣جىؿي ز٥ ا٣ؽ٦نٰٞ )774ه(، دٛكٲؿ ا٣ٞؿآن ا٣ْٕٲ٥( اث٨ ٠سٲؿ ، دعٞٲٜ: ٦ع٧ؽ ظكٲ٨ م٧ف ا٣ؽٱ٨ ،ثٲؿوت: دار ا١٣ذت ا٣ٕ٧٤ٲح، ط1 ،1419 ه.

)أثٮ ث١ؿ أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ا٣عكٲ٨ ث٨ٔ ٤ ٰا٣جٲ٭ٰٞ ، ٠ذةب ق٪٨ ا١٣جؿى، ثٲؿوت : دار ا١٣ذت ا٣ٕ٧٤ٲح، ط 3 ،2003م، رٝ٥ ا٣عؽٱر 20310

)أثٮ داود، ق٤ٲ٧ةن ث٨ األمٕر ث٨ إقعةق ث٨ ثنٲؿ ث٨ مؽاد ث٨ٔ ٧ؿو األزدي ا٣ِّ ك ِض ْكذة٩( ،ٰد.ت(. ق٪٨ أثٰ داود . دعٞٲٜ: ٦ع٧ؽ ٦عٲٰ ا٣ؽٱ٨ٔ جؽ ا٣ع٧ٲؽ، ثٲؿوت: ا١٧٣ذجح ا٣ٕىؿٱح، د.ط.

)أثٮ ز٩ٲؽ، ٦ع٧ؽ قة٥٣ ،٦ٮٝٙ اإلقبلم ٨٦ّ ة٬ؿة ا٣ ،ٙ٪ٕرقة٣ح ٦ةصكذٲؿ.

)أثٮ ٔجؽ اهلل أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ث٨ ٬بلل ث٨ أقؽ ا٣نٲجة٩ ،ٰ٦ك٪ؽ اإل٦ةم أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ،دعٞٲٜ أظ٧ؽ ٦ع٧ؽ مة٠ؿ )ا٣ٞة٬ؿة: دار ا٣عؽٱر، ط1 ،1416 ٬ـ / 1995 م(.

)أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ا٣نٲتا٩ ،ٰ٦ك٪ؽ اإل٦ةم أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ،٠ذةب ٦ك٪ؽ . أثٮ ٔجؽ اهلل أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ث٨ ٬بلل ث٨ أقؽ ا٣نٲجة٩ ،ٰ٦ك٪ؽ اإل٦ةم أظ٧ؽ ث٨ ظ٪ج٢ ،ا٧٣عٜٞ: مٕٲت األر٩ؤوط - ٔةدل ٦ؿمؽ، وآػؿون إمؿاف: د ٔجؽ اهلل ث٨ٔ جؽ ا٧٣عك٨ ا٣ذؿ٠ ،ٰثٲؿوت، ٦ؤقكح ا٣ؿقة٣ح، ط1 ،1421 ٬ـ - 2001 م.

)أظ٧ؽ ث٨ٔ ٤ ٰث٨ ظضؿ ا٣ٕكٞبل٩ٚ ، ٰذط ا٣جةري مؿح وعٲط ا٣جؼةري، ثٲؿوت، دار ا٧٣ٕؿٚح ، رٝ٥ ٠ذج٫ وأثٮاث٫ وأظةدٱس٫: ٦ع٧ؽ ٚؤاد ٔجؽ ا٣جةٰٝ ، ٬1379ـ.

)األقؿة ا٧٣ك٧٤ح ٰٚ ا٣ٕة٥٣ ا٧٣ٕةوؿ, و٬ج٫ ا٣ـظٲ٤ ,ٰثٲؿوت دار ا٣ٛ١ؿ ا٧٣ٕةوؿ 1420-2000.

)ا٣جؼةري، ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ إق٧ةٔٲ٢ أثٮ ٔجؽاهلل ا٣جؼةري ا٣ضٰٕٛ، )٬1422ـ(. وعٲط ا٣جؼةري. دعٞٲٜ: ٦ع٧ؽ ز٬ٲؿ ث٨ ٩ةوؿ ا٣٪ةوؿ، دار َٮق ا٣٪ضةة، ط1

)ا٣جؼةري، ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ إق٧ةٔٲ٢ أثٮ ٔجؽاهلل ا٣جؼةري ا٣ضٰٕٛ، وعٲط ا٣جؼةري . دعٞٲٜ: ٦ع٧ؽ ز٬ٲؿ ث٨ ٩ةوؿ ا٣٪ةوؿ، دار َٮق ا٣٪ضةة، ط1.

)دؿثٲح ا٣ُٛ٢ ٰٚ اإلقبلم, إثؿا٬ٲ٥ ا٣ؼُٲت , وز٬ؽي ٦ع٧ؽ, ٔ٧ةن , ا٣ؽار ا٣ٕ٧٤ٲح ا٣ؽو٣ٲح 2002.

)ا٣ذؿ٦ؾي، ٦ع٧ؽ ث٨ٔ ٲكٯ ث٨ قٮرة ث٨ ٦ٮقٯ ث٨ ا٣ٌعةك، ق٪٨ ا٣ذؿ٦ؾي . دعٞٲٜ ودٕ٤ٲٜ: أظ٧ؽ ٦ع٧ؽ مة٠ؿ )صـ 1 ،2 ،) و٦ع٧ؽ ٚؤاد ٔتد ا٣جةٰٝ )صـ 3 ،)وإثؿا٬ٲ٥ُٔ ٮة ٔٮض ا٧٣ؽرس ٰٚ األز٬ؿ ا٣نؿٱٙ ٦ىؿ : مؿ٠ح ١٦ذجح و٦ُجٕح ٦ىُٛٯ ا٣جةثٰ ا٣ع٤جٰ، ط2.

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ٔ )جؽ ا٣ؿظ٨٧ ث٨ ٩ةوؿ ث٨ٔ جؽ اهلل ا٣كٕؽي )٬1376ـ(، دٲكٲؿ ا١٣ؿٱ٥ ا٣ؿظ٨٧ ٰٚ دٛكٲؿ ٠بلم ا٧٣٪ةن، دعٞٲٜ ٔجؽ الرظ٨٧ ث٨ ٦ٕبل ا٤٣ٮٱعٜ، ٦ؤقكح ا٣ؿقة٣ح، ط1 ،٬1420ـ -2000 م.

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)٦ةاح قؤال ٔ٨ اإلقبلم، ٦ع٧ؽ ا٣٘ـا٣ ،ٰ٩٭ٌح ٦ىؿ، ا٣ٞة٬ؿة، ط3 ،2004م.

A World Without Islam، By Graham E. Fuller،Foreign Policy January/February 2008




كيفية الاقتباس

اىٍدرس اىٍصاغد نارزان فلٖ خي٘و. (2021). Islam and its relate to violence. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(2), 617–650.


