New Moral Literature Its manifestations and elements of the Kurdish writers Salim Barakat and Zhdi Daoudi


  • األـخاذ اىػنخٔر ٗادگار ىٍ٘ؿ اىلٓؽزوري ني٘ث اىيؾات / أرة٘و ـانيخٖ اىلأُن / ساٌػث نبلح اىػَٗ / ساٌػث إٗلم / أرة٘و


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Time, symbols, home, interaction, land, Kurdistan, belonging, survival, continuity, self, people, .history


New Moral Literature Its manifestations and elements of the Kurdish writers Salim Barakat and ZuhdiDaoudi If the Diaspora and discredited literature in the early 20th century are American, and essentially Lebanese, the new diaspora is European and Iraqi - Syrian. The tyranny and the absence of democracy and freedoms in the Arab countries, especially in these two countries (Iraq and Syria), have led to the emigration of many active thinkers, writers and pens abroad, especially to the countries of Western Europe since the 1980s. The Arab Spring to the displacement of a large number of Iraqi and Syrian intellectuals, including the Kurdish writers to the country of alienation, resulted in this new displacement, a new literary phenomenon can be called the literature of the new Diaspora, a literature is gradually becoming apparent, despite the short experience and short life of this Diaspora New. There were radical differences between the old and the new Diaspora, as the literature of the new Diaspora was largely limited to poetry, and the subjects related to feelings and feelings of humanity towards the bitterness of alienation, and the pain of alienation predominates on the products of the poets of the League and the Andalusian League in Latin America and South, , Is characterized by a great focus on the novel, and became the political issues relating to the reality of societies and tyranny and the search for a window to restore the citizen and human existence and status of the most prominent in the output of the writers of the new Diaspora, as well as dealing with ongoing wars, And the defense of peoples in their revolution against tyranny, and the question of terrorism, and most importantly, the researcher finds that the Kurdish issue has been strongly present in this literature, and became the geography of Kurdistan and its history, a pivot of the heads of their creative narratives.
Salim Barakat is the author of many successful novels, including the Jurists of Darkness, the camps of eternity, feathers and delchad, and Zahedi al-Daoudi, who left us narrations such as: Paradise of the ghost village, time of escape, , (The longest year), (goodbye Nineveh), (a man everywhere), (the memory of an extinct city), and (wailing wolves). Jan Dost, who has been living in Germany for years, writes in Kurdish and Arabic, translates Kurdish texts into Arabic and translates Arabic into Kurdish. The most  famous of his novels (Nukes of Rome), Mirenama, Mahabad and the homeland of fog, Martin Al-Saeed, and the blood of the minaret, he is like many Kurdish intellectuals who cast their fate to live in the diaspora . The most important Kurdish writers who wrote their works in Arabic, through which they expressed this new immigrant experience, and embodied the struggle of the Kurdish people. For the sake of freedom and justice in the Greater Kurdistan, as the products of these writers, the Kurds place a great place in contemporary Arabic literature. The nature of the texts and the perspective of the artistic research; the research is made up of two major topics: the manifestations of the new literature of the Diaspora and the foundations of the new abstract literature.


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كيفية الاقتباس

األـخاذ اىػنخٔر ٗادگار ىٍ٘ؿ اىلٓؽزوري. (2021). New Moral Literature Its manifestations and elements of the Kurdish writers Salim Barakat and Zhdi Daoudi. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(2), 152–168.


