The Role of Economic Crisis on Private Universities Students in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq


  • Diyar A. Mustafa Khoshnaw Business Administration Department/ Cihan University
  • Farman T. Aziz College of Administration and Economic/ Lebanese French University
  • Ari A. Hameed Ministry of higher education and scientific research/ KRG


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Economists analyzing, formulation, economic crisis, Lebanese French University, method, student.


The current crisis has triggered significant debate concerning economic theory and policy in general. But largely absent from this debate is an informed discussion of the methods used by economists in analyzing the economy and formulating their proposals. But method matters. So here the argue that current academic research practices need to be transformed before real insight can be achieved, that is be more specific when effect to educational institutions in private sector. This research focus on the current economic crisis  on the private universities students to completing their study, the case study in Lebnance French university, which is one the big universities in Erbil, including 5 collages and various departments. So a problem emergence when some of students intighed to leave or delay the course because they could not provide the students effect the permium amount for completing study specially the first and second level. That is be real case among the students.   Current study employs seven in-depth personal interviews with non-profit public relations practitioners to understand how they define organizational crises, how they plan for such crises and how they react to theoretical response strategies for dealing with these specific crises which is economic crisis that caused to other issues like culture, political and relations. 


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Diyar A. Mustafa Khoshnaw, Farman T. Aziz, & Ari A. Hameed. (2018). The Role of Economic Crisis on Private Universities Students in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(1), 1137–1150.


