The Effect of Tuition Fees on University Applications and Attendance: Evidence from the Kurdistan Region private Universities


  • Ramyar rzgar Ahmed Accounting Dep. Lebanese French University-Erbil-Iraq
  • Rahim Jafar Mahammad Sharif Accounting Dep. Lebanese French University-Erbil-Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Tuition Fee, Private University


This research focuses on the relationship between tuition fees and students enrolment. Through, the number of students enrolment depends purely on the students wish and own decision, however, tuition fees plays a great role on the decision made by the students to join a specific university. The educational and economic background of them plays a major role in making them enrolling in their wished university. The result of this study approves this point using the quantitative analysis of a survey. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of tuition fees  of number of students' enrolment. Moreover, to find out how the students choose their university on what basis, and how these have an impact on the number of enrolment. It was designed to collect primary data from the students. The research was intended to determine the role of tuition fees in making many students enrolment. The sampling questionnaire measured most of the students of Erbil preferred of having a university with international standards of coaching. The results show that high tuition fees impacts adversely on the number of applicants in Kurdistan region. 


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ramyar rzgar Ahmed, & Rahim Jafar Mahammad Sharif. (2021). The Effect of Tuition Fees on University Applications and Attendance: Evidence from the Kurdistan Region private Universities. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 3(4), 812–836.


