The role of private universities in the Kurdistan Region in developing the values of citizenship at the student Field study on a sample of Lebanese Lebanese University students
٤ا الٯٜ٠ْ ٦ ع٥فث ٞ٥٢ات ٤ٙخاضٰث حٙه٠ ةٰ٣٫٨٘ ٬ارزAbstract
The study aimed to identify the role of private universities in developing values of citizenship in their students according to the variables of gender, college and academic year. The researcher used a descriptive analytical method. The study sample consisted of (232) students from the Lebanese French private university in Iraq. The researcher applied a questionnaire consisting of (56) question distributed into four fields; university administration, curriculum, activates, lecturer. Each filed consist of 7 values of citizenship; democracy, freedom, teamwork, Statehood, environmental protection, participation and dialogue. The results of the study showed that the role of private universities in the development of citizenship values was less than medium in all areas of study as well as the major field. In addition, it turned out that there is no significant differences with statistical denotation due to the gender and the academic year in the role of private universities in the development of values of citizenship in all fields and the overall field of study also , there are significant differences with statistical denotation due to collage and in the favor of collage of
Education in the role of private universities of Kurdistan Region in the development of values of citizenship in the field of curriculum and the major field of study.
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