The role of education in economic growth - an analytical study of the reality of higher education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Abdulrazzaq Othman Nawandaie Department of Accounting and Finance, College of Administration and Economic, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region Iraq
  • Yousra Khalil Rasho M.Sc. in Law


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Economic growth, higher education, expenditure on education, human capital, planning


Education is the basis of development, and the foundation and main determinant of economic growth, labor force and increased production. There is no doubt that it is an imperative necessity to improve human efficiency and social cohesion. In addition to its role in raising the worker’s efficiency and thus raising their income, which means that it reduces the chances of poverty and inequality.

Education has taken on great importance in the texts of international and local laws. In Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 stipulates the right to education, and this right enhances the individual’s ability to obtain and enjoy his other legitimate rights guaranteed by laws and legal regulations. UNESCO also affirmed this right and approved the slogan “Education for All,” which is a recognition of the importance and role of education in achieving development and progress. According to the United Nations curricula, education achieves common goals for societies, including providing the individual with the skills he/she needs, as well as making education compulsory, especially in the early stages, and finally granting individuals economic and social rights, especially in deprived communities.

Education is a legal right that preserves a person’s dignity and contributes to making him a useful individual in society. It is a right for humans alike. This right enables them to meaningfully participate in decision-making, contribute to society, and push forward the wheel of economic and family progress.

Experiences undertaken by developed countries have proven that investment in education is an essential element in the process of economic growth and productive processes by stimulating creativity that enhances the ability to create new knowledge and technological advancement. Education is also considered an essential means of building human capital as it is the main driver of economic growth and improving social conditions by reducing the crime rate as well as improving the population health status. The importance of supporting the workforce must be noted, as a good workforce increases the ability to carry out tasks more quickly and thus leads the economy to growth and prosperity. Education is essential to providing people with the tools to maximize their potential and further enable them to contribute to society.

By education, we do not mean only the percentage of the population, i.e. the number of people who have completed education at its various stages, but rather it depends on its type, quality, and the capabilities that the individual can harness in building the process of economic development.On the other hand, education helps to use modern technologies and advanced production methods, which enable the country to enter global markets and ensure competitiveness.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abdulrazzaq Othman Nawandaie, & Yousra Khalil Rasho. (2024). The role of education in economic growth - an analytical study of the reality of higher education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(3), 1043–1071.


