The prevailing administrative patterns among the managers of the central administration and their relationship with the level of delegation of authority to them from the point of view of employees of the Erbil General Directorate of Education


  • Baker Kareem Hasan Department of General Education, College of Languages and Education, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Shahzad Ramadan Hasan Department of General Education, College of Languages and Education, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Administrative styles, Delegation of authority, administrative authority، Employees, Erbil Directorate of General Education


This research aimed to identify the most prevailing administrative patterns among the managers of the central administration from the point of view of the employees of the Erbil General Education Directorate. It defines the level of delegation of authority among the managers of the central administration from the point of view of its employees. It defines the nature of the relationship between administrative styles and the level of delegation of authority. According to the study factors, we know how respondents to the administrative patterns questionnaire and the delegation of authority questionnaire differed in their responses. (level of education, number of years in the field). A total of 340 male and female employees were included in the study, representing 29.79 percent of the total population. The study relied on an analytical descriptive strategy and made use of a researcher-created questionnaire on administrative patterns and a researcher-created questionnaire on delegation of power. The study's findings are as follows: The first pattern, (dictatorial administration), was the most common among central administration managers in the Directorate of Public Education of Erbil, with a relative weight of (72.32%), followed by the second pattern, (autocratic administration), with a relative weight of (60.05%). According to the responses of the staff at the Directorate of Public Education in Erbil, the degree of delegation of power among the directors of the central administration is moderate, with a relative weight of (55.29%). There are statistically significant differences in favour of those with an educational qualification (diploma or above) between the mean scores of the answers to the questionnaire of administrative patterns from the study sample according to the educational qualification variable. Those with more experience, namely those with experience between eleven and fifteen years, tend to have higher mean scores on the delegation of authority questionnaire than those with less experience. Research sample answers to a questionnaire on delegation of authority show statistically significant differences in favour of respondents with scientific credentials (diploma or above) based on the educational qualification variable.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Baker Kareem Hasan, & Shahzad Ramadan Hasan. (2024). The prevailing administrative patterns among the managers of the central administration and their relationship with the level of delegation of authority to them from the point of view of employees of the Erbil General Directorate of Education. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(1), 1050–1080. استرجع في من


