Internet Gaming Disorder and its Relationship to Subjective Well-being among University Students


  • Abdulfatah Hasan Fatah Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ronank Hameed Othman Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Internet gaming disorder, subjective well-being, behavioral addiction, technology, university students.


      The research aimed to identify the correlation and level of prediction between Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being among university students, as well as reveal the extent of Internet gaming disorder among university students. And to identify the levels of Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being, as well as to know the different levels of the study variables according to gender and academic specialization. The primary research sample consisted of (450) male and female students from public universities in Erbil Governorate, who were chosen in a non-random, purposive manner, and the study relied on the correlational descriptive method. The results showed that internet gaming disorder was present at a rate of (9.55%) among the sample. It generally appears at a low level with statistical significance. With statistically significant differences in the level of internet gaming disorder according to the gender variable, and it was in favor of males, without significant differences according to the academic specialization variable. The results also indicated that the respondents reported a low level of subjective well-being and no statistically significant differences in subjective well-being according to the variables of gender and academic specialization. The results showed a negative correlation between Internet gaming disorder and subjective well-being. Thus, the higher the level of internet gaming disorder among the sample, the less they had feelings of subjective well-being at a rate of (3.4%). Based on these results, the researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abdulfatah Hasan Fatah, & Ronank Hameed Othman. (2024). Internet Gaming Disorder and its Relationship to Subjective Well-being among University Students. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(1), 986–1018.


