Handling Students’ Disruptive Behaviour in Language Study Classroom A Descriptive Analytical Study
This study highlights on how disruptive student actions, particularly in ESL or EFL classes at university level in Erbil-Kurdistan Region-Iraq, can have a significant negative impact on language teaching and learning. In order to address issues that have arisen in their classrooms or to take preventive measures to ensure that their students behave appropriately while in class, teachers need be aware of what constitutes disruptive behavior. This can lessen the likelihood of student misconduct in the classroom. The study aims to reveal and highlight the factors and challenges of students’ disruptive behaviour in the language classrooms. Besides, it tries to understand how to handle students’ bad behaviour in the language classes. The research uses the descriptive analytical method to present the facts and unfavorable phenomena of the students' disruptive behaviour. The research tool that has been utilized was a semi-structured interview for university teachers. The number of participants were (10) teacher interviewees. Teachers should establish behavioral expectations on the first day of the semester to prevent classroom disruptions. These expectations can be based on students' attendance, arrivals and departures, class involvement, complete English speaking, and other relevant conducts listed in the syllabus. There are causes that lead to certain students to conduct badly, so teachers must identify acceptable solutions to problems that will help students uphold the rules. Otherwise, Teachers will have to work extremely hard to prevent teaching failure. Based on the results of the study a number of expected factors and challenges were presented and highlighted to deal with students disruptive behaviour in the EFL/ESL classrooms.
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