Turkey's ambitions between membership of the European Union and the transition to be a superpower in the Middle East


  • Wzhar Fahri Saadi Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, College of Law and International Relations, Lebanese French Univeristy, Erbil, Iraq



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Turkey, Nato, Middle East, Arab spring, Euroepan Union


Turkey has been applying for membership in the European Union for more than half a century. Turkey has yet to secure EU membership. After the Arab Spring, Turkey used its strategic and geographical location to become an important actor between Europe and the Middle East, especially on the issue of refugee waves. After Turkey's disappointment in EU membership, the country turned to the Middle East to participate actively in the new changes in the region. Turkish policy in the Middle East has changed recently in the face of global and regional structural developments as well as changes in the domestic political arena. Changes in US relations with the region, as well as the growing role of Russia, have forced Turkey to perform a difficult balancing act between the two. Turkey, although it does not trust both sides and is aware of sharp differences of interest with them on some issues, has tried to strike a balance in Syria and Libya. In addition, Turkey is in fierce competition with Saudi Arabia and the UAE throughout the region. As a result, Turkey's new policy in the Middle East is characterized by heightened threat perception, zero competition with other regional powers, increased recourse to the use of military force, risky behavior, and marginalization and preference for unilateral action.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Wzhar Fahri Saadi. (2023). Turkey’s ambitions between membership of the European Union and the transition to be a superpower in the Middle East. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 8(4), 534–558. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.8.4.20




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