Analysis of the Impact of the Financial Crisis in Providing the Basic Needs of the Population of the City of Sulaymaniyah for the Year 2016
Financial Crisis, Basic Needs, Sulaymaniyah CityAbstract
There is no doubt that the financial crisis in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq, reflected negatively on all economic sectors, including the family sector, especially in the province of Sulaymaniyah, and that the continuation of this crisis will lead to the paralysis of most economic sectors in the region, and thus lead to an increase in poverty in the region, In the ranks of limited income holders. The research reached a number of conclusions, including:
1- The proportion of (65.2%) of the households covered by the survey monthly income between (300-900) thousand dinars. The results show that there is a difference between the average responses of the questionnaire according to the size of the income in the impact of the financial crisis on the basic needs.
2- The proportion of (60.6%) of the families covered in the survey spend monthly between (1-600) thousand dinars. The results show that there is a difference between the average responses of the questionnaire according to the size of the expenditure in the impact of the financial crisis on the basic needs
3- The study found that 50% of the surveyed families in Sulaymaniyah city save their monthly income, especially the category of income (less than 300) thousand dinars per month.
4- The provision of drinking water and security services as well as household hygiene means that these services are not affected by the financial crisis, while there is an impact of the crisis on all other services, including basic services such as food, clothing, housing, electricity, communication, net and fuel expenses.
The research reached a number of proposals, including:
1. Establishment of a permanent economic committee, far from party considerations, experts and specialists to develop scenarios to address the current and expected crises in the region.
2. Activation of the price control in consumer markets and protect consumers in the region.
3. Working on the real administrative and economic reform in the Kurdistan Region , in order to mitigate the negative effects of the financial crisis on the people of the region, especially in the province of Sulaymaniyah.
4. Increase transparency in all government administrations especially in the Ministry of Natural Resources, in order to achieve justice between the present and future generations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
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