The impacts of cultural discourses on the political system of Kurdistan Region
Kurdistan Region _ cultural discourses _ Patrimonialism_ Modernity_ DemocracyAbstract
The Kurdistan Region holds four cultural discourses: patrimonialism, religiosity, modernity and democracy. The dialectic of such discourses, have molded several elements of predestination, subjectivism, absolutism, interest seeker and opportunism, skepticism and conspiracy in the Kurdistan Region.
Although these elements have impacted the Kurdistan Region in such a way that the parties' leaders gain charismatic power, but adversely caused people’s political-dependent participation, lack of cooperation between opposition and government and destruction of human and social capital in government agencies.
This research aims to resolve the issues of the political system of the Kurdistan Region, by proposing the multilateral involvement of elites, intellectuals, and politicians on these cultural discourses to positively influence the development of the political system of the Kurdish Region.
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